Call for consultant to assist field team in logistical and CAPI operations for a value chain study on indirect conditional contracts in Uganda –

Job Title:  Call for consultant to assist field team in logistical and CAPI operations for a value chain study on indirect conditional contracts in Uganda

Organisation: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda


About US:

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. Founded in 1975, IFPRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, a global research partnership for a food secure future. The mandate of IFPRI is to identify and analyze alternative national and international strategies and policies for meeting world food needs in ways that conserve the natural resource base, with emphasis on low income and on the poorer groups in the countries.



In 2019, WFP approved its new Local and Regional Food Procurement Policy, with a specific aim to include program objectives (including improving nutrition, resilience and smallholder income and livelihoods activities) into its procurement operations. One modality that WFP are indirect conditional contracts. The idea is to leverage the private sector mid-stream, and through conditionality, encourage them to assist smallholder farmers through a variety of services (extension, input provision,…) such that they can meet the quality standards WFP adheres to.


Indirect conditional contracts are being piloted in Uganda, where WFP procures substantial amounts of maize for operations in drought and conflict affected areas such as Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Kenya. IFPRI is conducting a study to assess the impact of indirect conditional contracts on a range of outcomes and among different stakeholders (farmers, small traders, and large aggregators). We are looking for a qualified consultant (individual or firm) that can provide organizational, logistical and technical support to the research team in implementing stacked value chain surveys at farmer, trader and aggregator levels.


To apply, interested applicants are expected to submit a detailed budget and a CV.


Scope of work:

  • ODK implementation of the questionnaire
  • Back-end management of the data collection (ODK-ONA integration)
  • Training of enumerators
  • Oversee data collection of 2000 farmers, 500 traders and 15 aggregators in 5 districts on Uganda
  • Monitoring data collection

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • Demonstrated experience of conducting quantitative survey fieldwork, and in particular linked stack surveys
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting survey-related trainings.
  • Experience in building trust and good relations with village leaders, interviewees, and communities.
  • Strong program management skills
  • Demonstrated experience in successfully coordinating large field teams and managing deliverables.
  • Excellent computer skills and experience using ODK and technical back-end (Ona server integration preferred)


NB: We are unable to respond to every applicant individually; only selected applicants will be contacted. Thank you!


How to Apply:

All suitably qualified and interested candidates should send their CVs online at the link below.


Click Here


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Date Posted 2024-04-25
Valid Through 2024-05-16
Employment Type CONTRACTOR
Hiring Organization International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Job Location Kampala, Kampala, Kampala , 0256, Uganda